Battle On The Bridge (1)

Yun Qianxue squared her shoulders, the icy blue of her eyes hardening with determination as she faced the tiger. With a flick of her wrist, a shimmering gauntlet materialized on her arm, the metal imbued with frost that shimmered faintly. 

She raised her other hand, and a longsword crafted from pure ice materialized in her grip, its edges crackling with a faint electrical current. It was none other than the Misty Cloud Divine Sword.


As Yun Qianxue stepped onto the bridge, the tiger let out a thunderous roar. The sound echoed across the bridge and sent shivers down the spines of the onlookers.

The tiger crouched low, its muscles bunching, and with a powerful leap, propelled itself towards Yun Qianxue.

Yun Qianxue didn't flinch. She met the charge head-on, her form a blur of motion as she utilized the Law of Wind to enhance her agility. Her long white hair fluttered in the air like a thread of snow.