Hidden Purpose (2)

A spark of understanding ignited in Yun Lintian's mind. Perhaps this wasn't a random attack, but something more calculated. "So, because I'm different," he rasped, the pain in his voice evident, "I'm to be punished for defending myself?"

The Tomb Protector didn't answer directly. Instead, he raised his hand, the air shimmering around it as he gathered his power. A palpable tension filled the room, and everyone instinctively braced themselves for another onslaught.

But instead of attacking the Tomb Protector focused his energy on Yun Lintian, a deep frown etching his features as he seemed to probe the young man's very essence.

Moments stretched into an eternity, the silence broken only by Yun Lintian's labored breaths.

Finally, the Tomb Protector lowered his hand, his expression unreadable. The oppressive atmosphere in the chamber lessened, but a heavy tension remained.