Beneath The Surface (2)

The crackling energy sparked on the barrier momentarily, leaving a spiderweb of scorch marks, before fizzling out.

Yun Lintian furrowed his brow. His current strength was not enough to break it directly. He must try another way.

Closing his eyes, Yun Lintian delved deeper into the intricacies of the Great Law of Life. The Tree of Life within his body shone brightly.

This visualization, a technique he'd honed through countless hours of meditation, was crucial in manipulating the law at such a precise level.

Focusing on a specific point on the barrier, he channeled a wisp of pure life energy, infused with the essence of his visualization. It wasn't a forceful blast, but a delicate probe, searching for a weakness in the dark energy's hold.

The process was tedious. Seconds bled into what felt like hours as Yun Lintian meticulously prodded the barrier, his forehead creased in concentration.