Where Moonlight Lies (2)

"Why?" Hongyue inquired.

"Because you are the inheritor of the Primordial Moon God," Mumu replied calmly.

"Are you certain?" Hongyue furrowed her brow deeply. Though she was aware of this possibility, she couldn't quite believe it, having found no trace of the Moon God's legacy thus far.

"My Lunar Jade Rabbit Clan served as the first clan under the Primordial Moon God," Mumu explained unhurriedly. "Each generation's successor was duty-bound to remain by her side. I was the last successor before the calamity."

Hongyue listened intently, her heart pounding despite her outward calmness. A million questions swirled in her mind, but most seemed unimportant at the moment.

"The Moon God... her name was Yue Bingyao," Mumu continued. "My service to her was tragically short. All I know is of her obsession with the God of Fate. She frequently visited the Tower of Fate, despite his consistent absence."