Desperation (1)

Weakened and battered, Yun Lintian could only muster a feeble defense. He raised his arms, summoning a meager shield of dark energy to protect himself.


The lightning bolts slammed into the shield, shattering it instantly. The raw power coursed through Yun Lintian's body, searing his flesh and cracking his bones. 

"Argh!" He screamed in agony, his body convulsing on the cavern floor.

Dian Lei stopped the barrage, his face emotionless.

Yun Lintian lay motionless, a broken heap of flesh and bone. The emerald glow from the Dragon God's Soul flickered faintly, the only sign of life remaining within him.

Dian Lei sighed. He had hoped to capture Yun Lintian alive, but the young man's defiance had left him with no choice. He approached Yun Lintian cautiously, preparing to restrain him.