Desperation (3)

"A desperate gamble," Yun Lintian rasped, his voice barely a whisper.

With a final, agonizing push, Yun Lintian slammed the two conflicting energies together. The cavern became a battleground of creation and destruction. Vibrant light pulsed alongside an inky blackness, a chaotic symphony that defied all comprehension.


With a final, explosive crack, the chamber walls could no longer hold. The ceiling crumbled, raining down dust and debris upon the two combatants locked in a battle of wills. 

"Cough!" Yun Lintian coughed violently, a cloud of dust momentarily obscuring his vision. When it cleared, he saw Dian Lei standing some distance away, a wary frown etched on his face.

The cavern had transformed into a chaotic mess of rock and rubble, the once smooth walls replaced by jagged, gaping holes. Where the cavern once echoed with the roar of their battle cries, only the ominous creaking of shifting rock could be heard.