Nightmare (2)

The cavern shuddered violently, raining down debris.

From the corner of his eye, Dian Lei saw a massive boulder teetering precariously on the edge of the collapsing ceiling. It was aimed directly at Yun Lintian.

In that split second, Dian Lei knew what he had to do. With a final, desperate roar, he lunged towards the boulder, channeling the last vestiges of his power into strengthening his body.

The impact was earth-shattering. The boulder exploded into a million fragments, showering Dian Lei and the unconscious Yun Lintian beneath a cascade of rock and dust.

The white light emanating from Dian Lei flickered and died. Silence descended once more, broken only by the groans of the collapsing cavern. The fate of the True God and the young man, both caught in the aftermath of a forbidden technique, hung in the balance.