God's Domain (2)

The battle had transformed into a catastrophic spectacle. Li Shan, his form a beacon of silver lightning, stood defiant amidst a swirling storm of his own creation.

The sky above him crackled with potent energy, the once clear canvas now obscured by a churning ocean of dark clouds. Bolts of lightning, thicker and brighter than any seen before, snaked across the tempestuous canopy, illuminating the battlefield with an otherworldly glow.

Opposing him was Xi Hong, his True God form dwarfed by the sheer scale of Li Shan's domain. Gone was the obsidian armor and the earth beneath his feet. Now, a swirling vortex of sand raged around him, an endless desert stretching as far as the eye could see.

The sand whipped around Xi Hong, forming a protective barrier against the barrage of lightning bolts.