Cooperation (1)

The tension remained thick in the air, a suffocating presence despite the silence. Mo Lianxing, her face still etched with a lingering fury, lowered the Frostmourn Spear, the ice crystals clinging to its surface slowly dissipating. Her eyes, however, remained cold, scanning the battlefield with an intensity that sent shivers down everyone's spine.

Li Shan, his gaze locked on Mo Lianxing, stood protectively in front of Lin Xinyao and the others. The arrival of these two people made the situation more complicated.

"Talk?" Bei Cong scoffed. "What's there to talk about?"

Dongfang Lou spoke, her voice sharp. "Why are you here?"

Bei Yixiang turned towards her, his expression unreadable. "We are here to propose a solution, one that will ensure the safety of this realm and prevent the horrors of another Primordial War."