Reflection (1)

Yun Lintian's mind swirled with revelations. His reliance on brute force and external power had blinded him to the true depths of his potential.

The Beyond Heaven Art, while undeniably powerful, had become a crutch, hindering his understanding of the fundamental Laws themselves.

He looked at Tian He with newfound reverence. "Senior, what can I do to unlock this… intricate dance of creation and destruction?"

Tian He chuckled softly. "There are no shortcuts. The key lies in observation, experimentation, and refining your control over the Laws."

"Look at the world around you, from the majestic mountains scraping the heavens to the tiniest insect crawling on the ground. Each element, each living entity, embodies a manifestation of these Laws. Study them, understand their nature, and learn to weave them into your own power."