Undefeated (4)

Zhan You, anticipating the attack, raised his crimson sword high. As the shockwave crashed down, he swung the blade with a roar that mirrored the Guardian's. A torrent of celestial fire erupted from the sword, a blazing wave that met the shockwave head-on.


The clash created a blinding explosion that momentarily drowned out the very roar of space itself. The shockwave dissipated, revealing a colossal crater swirling with remnants of celestial fire and fragmented shockwave energy. The Guardian, momentarily stunned, stood frozen amidst the destruction.

Zhan You, his celestial aura dimmed but unwavering, pointed his crimson sword at the monstrous being. "You are strong, creature of death," he boomed, his voice resonating with the power of a thousand celestial storms. "But your strength is borrowed, an echo of a power you don't truly understand."