Vicious Cycle (2)

"In the end," Tian He said further, a trace of regret flickering in his eyes. "He became isolated, with no choice but to entrust everything to the next generation, the Beyond Heaven King Yun Tian."

"As for the other inheritors, some went into hiding, while others... well, they weren't so fortunate. I, for one, was lucky enough to cling to my own meager existence."

A chill ran down Yun Lintian's spine as the truth he'd been chasing began to reveal itself. Yet, the question of why the Beyond Heaven King selected him as his heir remained unanswered.

"So, everyone has their own agenda," Yun Lintian muttered, the warmth from the fading sunlight unable to dispel the sudden chill that crept into his heart.

He glanced at Tian He, who remained stoic, his face an unreadable mask. It was clear Tian He wasn't at liberty to reveal everything, a hint of a larger, unspoken narrative lurking beneath the surface.