
"I'll leave now, Seniors. Please, take care." Yun Lintian cupped his fists respectfully.

"Good luck," Tian He said gently.

"Luck? You don't need that. You have your fists." Shi Xuan chuckled, waving his hand dismissively. "Go on, get going."

Yun Lintian smiled and turned, disappearing into a dark passage.

As Yun Lintian vanished from sight, Shi Xuan glanced at Tian He. "You certainly put in a lot of effort," he said. "Didn't you say you wouldn't tell him?"

"I didn't want him to die in ignorance," Tian He replied expressionlessly, his voice devoid of emotion.

Shi Xuan scoffed. "Really? Sympathy doesn't seem to be your strong suit, Old Jiang. Those reminders... honestly, if I hadn't witnessed it myself, I'd think you were a different person entirely."

Tian He walked towards the boulder behind him and sat down, resuming his fishing.

"Have you made a decision?" Shi Xuan asked, his expression turning serious.