Divine Moon Clan (2)

Yun Lintian's eyes narrowed a fraction. "I see..." he began, then paused. "Did you encounter a statue resembling yourself on your way here?"

The woman offered a gentle nod. "Yes, it did look remarkably similar to me."

Silence returned, thick with unspoken questions. Yun Lintian's mind raced. This woman undoubtedly belonged to the Divine Moon Clan, but how could she have awakened? He distinctly remembered no life force within her before.

The woman's gaze drifted to the paintings lining the wall, a sense of familiarity blooming in her eyes. These figures, she was certain, were not strangers.

Compelled by an unknown force, she stepped forward, drawn towards the murals. Yun Lintian, sensing her purpose, stepped aside silently.

Reaching the paintings, the woman fixated on Yue Hong and Yue Lan, her hand instinctively resting on her chest. A pang of unexplainable sorrow struck her as she gazed upon their faces.