Raging Thunder (2)

Zhan You's crimson sword, forged in the heart of a dying star, hummed with the raw power of the Law of Fire. Its very presence distorted the air around it, causing the temperature to rise to unbearable levels.

"Very well," Dian Lei retorted, a hint of amusement in his voice. "If you insist."

With a flick of his wrist, he summoned a spear wreathed in crackling lightning. The spear pulsed with the raw energy of the Law of Lightning, its tip crackling with the potential to unleash a devastating storm.

The two True Gods charged at Yue Yun, their combined might shaking the very foundations of the Moon God City.

The clash of fire and lightning against the lunar energy created a symphony of destruction, the echoes reverberating through the chamber.

Yue Yun, undeterred by their combined assault, raised her hand, the ethereal glow intensifying. A torrent of moonbeams surged from her hand, forming a protective barrier around her.