Final Winner (1)

"Die!" Zhan You roared, his voice a thunderclap that reverberated through the chamber.

The vortex of energy surrounding him intensified, swirling faster and faster until it became a blinding maelstrom. And then, with a final, earth-shattering roar, the maelstrom imploded, collapsing in on itself with a force that seemed to warp the fabric of reality.


A wave of distorted energy rippled outwards, crashing against the moonlit barrier that held Zhan You captive. The barrier trembled violently, its ethereal glow flickering and dimming under the onslaught.

Yue Yun's expression turned solemn, her grip on the Moon Scepter tightening as she struggled to maintain control. The scepter hummed with power, its light pulsing in response to the onslaught of chaotic energy.

With a final, desperate surge of power, Zhan You broke free from the Moon Scepter's grasp. The wave of distorted energy dissipated, revealing a transformed War God.