
~Two weeks of preparation has finally comes to an end. Everyone had their hands full for all day. Even myself, who is a "free guy" didn't get as much sleep as I usually had. Especially these two days, most of us stay late at school decorating our class. The decoration was quite simple with only two color to paint the class. No matter how I look at it, Suzuha Chan really do her job well. My help wasn't needed at all until that time where she .....~

RYUGA : Hey, are you okay.

YUKIE : Yeah. I'm fine, I think.

*Her breath wasn't normal. Her face looks red, and there was even tear coming out from her eyes. She started moving faintly*

…....…. : Suzuha, can you come over here and take a look at this. I think we have a little problem here. The outfits that we ordered before have not arrived yet. The sender's company just texted and said that the outfits are gonna arrive here probably the day after tomorrow, but we need to wear it tomorrow.

YUKIE : Eh? Seriously? Let me think of what I can do to deal with this problem.

AYUMI : Ughh whattt!! It's already 4:30 pm, where can we find another seller to sell us outfits? It's not only one that we needed, we needed MORE than that.

YUKIE : Damn it, just let me think.

* She's getting panicked because those outfits are really important for tomorrow. She just keep thinking and thinking just to find a solution to deal with that problem until...*

~ Eh, why is everything around me keep moving, even the table. Wait, why is everything getting so dark. My head, my head is so hurt! ~

* Yukie suddenly started falling and not getting up, everyone looked at her and quickly ran to her and check her condition. Everyone is worried about her. *

RYUGA : Suzuha!!! Guys, come here faster! Help me!

~ Her body is so hot, I should noticed it earlier. Everyone work together for the class, but all of them put too much weight on Suzuha. They depend on her too much. No, we all depend on Suzuha too much. She done all the paperwork alone and even managing the class, she hardly ask for my help. All she did was asking me to do a simple job that were just using a little bit of strength. Sorry, Suzuha.. Leave everything to me from now on. ~

RYUGA : Please you two, take care of Suzuha for me. Walk her home after she wakes up. As for the rest, please gather around. I want to discuss something with all of you.

THE TWO GIRL : Okay, Ryuga Kun. Then guys, sorry for leaving early.

THE CLASS : Sure, take care on your way home.

* The two girl bow to everyone and left the class. *

KEN : So what's the thing you want to discuss with us, Ryu?

RYUGA : Guys, first of all I want to apologize because I didn't do much for our class. I'm leaving most of the job to Suzuha and she ended up like that. And another thing is, I know we don't know each other well enough but I hope you guys will help me finish what Suzuha have been working on until now. Please help me.

SHOYO : What are you talking about, boss? All of us see you as our boss. It's natural for us to help you with everything we can. And about Suzuha san, it's our fault too.

AYUMI : That stupid lewd girl did took all our work. So let's pay back her hard work by doing our best and give it all we can! We will make our class become one of the top three classes in this school event.

KEN : Top three is a little bit impossible…

SHOYO : Don't you forget that we still have Ryuga here, Kenichan.

KEN : Oiii don't call me that. It sounds girly.

* The whole class chuckled and it wasn't that tense anymore in the class, instead they are full of spirit to finish the job that was left by Suzuha. *

RYUGA : Thank you everyone. Let's do this.


* Eventhough Ryuga usually doesn't pay attention while learning in class, but he can observe and understand everything around him with only one look. He calmly analyzed all his classmate's abilities and what they are good at. He then distributed work to anyone who he thought can do the work more efficiently. *

RYUGA : Ayumi, Shoyo. Here's the list that I want both of you to give it to everyone. Tell them that they must do as what is written here. Everyone have their own task that they must finish. Only when they finished their own tasks, they will be allowed to help the others.

AYUMI & SHOYO : Okay, but Ryuga, what's up with this last one?

RYUGA : Ouh, that one, I'll do it by myself.

* Ryuga took out his phone and made a call*

…....….. : Hello brat. It's rare for you to call me. You want to feel uncle's love again don't you?

RYUGA : Ehem ehem. Hello uncle. I'm wondering if you can help me this time.

…....….. : Let's hear it first.

RYUGA : Our school will held a festival that is going to start 16 hours later and now it's 03:47p.m. All the decoration will be finished by tonight, I believe. But the outfits that we ordered haven't arrived yet. Apparently they had a problem with the courier and couldn't get here on time. Can you....

…... : No more talk, consider it's done.

RYUGA : Really uncle? Thank you very much. I'm hanging up now.

…... : Hold on, Ryu. How are you and Aiko? You're not making troubles for her, right ? You hardly pick up my phone.

~What problem did I even made… She's the one who caused me problems everyday… *began to remember some flashbacks*….well maybe I did cause her some~

RYUGA : ha….ha…Sorry uncle, I'm very busy you know. I'm fine and so do Aiko.

…... : You should take care of her well. I'll beat you up if I heard from anyone that she's hurt somewhere.

RYUGA : That gorilla won't get hurt easily uncle. I don't need to take care of her all the time right? Hahaha.

…... : You little brat, anyway listen to what uncle have said okay. You can pick up your stuff at your apartment later. I'll send it there. I'm gonna hang up now, brat.

RYUGA : Okay thanks uncle, good bye.

***Hours past since that evening, it's almost midnight already and everyone seems to be exhausted. However, the job was well done and the class is becoming more and more pleasing to eyes. It feels like a castle the moment you walk into the class, all the ideas that Suzuha provided had been upgraded by Ryuga and it doesn't looks like a simple cafe anymore, instead it has the royal vibe when they're sitting on the table. This will make the visitors get the feeling they have never felt before.***

* The door opened and a few classmates come in with Ryuga. They brought some foods and soft drinks.*

SHOYO : Woahhhh, so many pizzas and fries. You guys have so much money to buy all these goods. How much does everyone have to pay?

AN : Yeah, this must cost a lot, even the savings of our class can't cover this much.

AYUMI : Well all of this was bought by Ryuga.

THE CLASS : The f….. Ryuga you son of a wealthy money growing tree…

RYUGA : Haa? What's that? Anyway I'm not that rich you know. I'm just using my money that I got from doing part time jobs.

* the whole class suddenly feel bad for Ryuga *

SHOYA : Woah, you actually go to work Ryuga? That's awesome!

~ I don't know, if that's the truth, the black card that he's using makes me curious. My father also own a few credit card, but I have never seen a black credit card like the one Ryuga had ~

* Ayumi is so curious and want to ask Ryuga about it. But because it's her first time seeing Ryuga having fun in the class, so she decided not to ask as to not spoil the atmosphere of the class. Thus she forget about it later.*


*Ryuga opened his phone and read it.*

YUKIE : Hey, sorry for leaving the class and make you handle it alone. I can come to school right now as I'm getting better already. I think we can still make it even though we can't use the actual outfit.

RYUGA : Hey, don't be stupid. What can you do in that condition. Moreover, don't you see what time it is now? Don't worry, everything is fine. We're almost finished anyway. Just rest and come tomorrow okay? Leave it to us.

YUKIE : But, the class was a mess. I messed up a lot of important things, so I wanted to help make up for the mess I had created.

RYUGA : Don't you dare come or I'll call Aiko to accompany you there.

* Yukie send a shock and apologized sticker*

RYUGA : That's more like it. Get well soon, Suzuha Chan.

YUKIE : Okay.


* While holding his phone in his hand and look at the messages Suzuha sent, he thought... *

~ She's nuts. She still wanna do something in that condition. Why is she working so hard on small event like this. It's not like we're gonna graduate from school… But wait, maybe she's like that because it will be her last activity at school? Is she sick or something? Or maybe she want to change school? If I think carefully one of that must be the reason, it must be that. Suzuha chan, why won't you talk to us. Huhuhu~

AN : Why is your face looks like you just got rejected by someone?

* Ryuga can't bear feeling sad, he showed the messages to the class and tell them the thoughts he had. A few minutes later *

AYUMI : *sob, sob* warghhh arghhh warghhh… Yukieee, why didn't you tell us sooner, you stupid little girl. Everyone will do their work more efficiently if you told us. Everyone will do their best better than they did just now….

AN : That's too sad. I wonder why Yukie didn't tell us a word.

* Most of the girls were crying and even the boys can't help but feeling useless and sad in their heart*

* With the spirit of leadership in Ryuga, he tried to calm his friends *

~ I never thought having a friend at school can be quite stressful. Even so, it's still beautiful. I won't live a loner life again… God, you opened my eyes for once…~

RYUGA : Hey hey hey, please stop!! Who do you think have it the hardest, hold your heads up. Eat your food, drink and stop your tears. As classmates we should support her. Let's make it successful tomorrow and give Suzuha our best at all the tasks. So if she really leaves us, she won't have anything to regret and she will be more than happy on her last few days at school.. Are you with me?

THE BOYS : Of course bosssssss!!!!!!!! Count us in.

RYUGA : Girlssssssss?

AYUMI : Even though she's a lewd girl, stupid and annoying as she always do things her way. But she's very important to us. Right girls??

THE GIRLS : Of courseeeeeeeeeeee..

* Everyone was enthusiastic. After they finished the decoration, they start to clean their class while the others handle the finishing up. At 01:00 a.m they finally done with all the works. All of them left the school together except for Ryuga, instead of going back home he went upstairs and went to the rooftop. The moment he opened the door, a can of coffee came flying to his face. He quickly catch it with his hand right in front of his face. *

RYUGA : That's dangerous stupid. What if it hit my handsome face.

AIKO : I know you will catch it. So it's fine.

* Ryuga just smile and opened the can. "Clicks", Ryuga comes to sit next to Aiko*

RYUGA : So what happened, you won't send me a text like that unless you have something that is bothering you.

AIKO : Ha…ha… I'm suprised that you know I'm here. I didn't even tell you where I am in the message.

RYUGA : Well, I have a feeling that you won't go back yet. It's unusual for you to go back without telling me. And I won't leave you again like last time. *He's saying the last part while looking at other place and drinks the coffee Aiko gave.*

* Aiko turned to look at Ryuga and noticed him blushing, she then lay her head on his shoulder.*

AIKO : On the second thought. I'm fine. I think, I can do it if I try even harder….

* Ryuga was annoyed by the answer and when he looks at Aiko, she fell asleep.*

~ Jeez, you're right uncle, I always thought she can do everything on her own. Don't worry, I'll protect her with everything I can ~

* Ryuga carried Aiko on his back on the way home, he can't help to think that no matter how hard the day was, everything seems like it will be better if she's around.*

RYUGA : Huffftt, huffttt… We finally arrived. Where the heck did Aiko put her key? Oiii, wake up. We are here already.

AIKO : ...…..

* She was so tired that even Ryuga shake his own body to wake Aiko who's on his back, she just didn't woke up.*

RYUGA : It can't be like this. I think I'll have to let her sleep on my room tonight.

*He took her to his bed and walk away to leave her sleeping alone, but a hand stop him from walking away*

RYUGA : Sorry for waking you up. Go on and sleep. We need to get up early tomorrow.

AIKO : Stay here for a moment please. You can go after I fell asleep.

RYUGA : Are you a kid or what? Alright, I'm not going anywhere. I'll sleep down here. Goodnight..

AIKO : Hey Ryu.. If you have to choose between me and your future girl friend, who will you choose to stay with?

* Aiko looks like she had been holding these words for so long and she finally have the courage to ask him about this. *

RYUGA : Huh!? What's with that creepy question.

AIKO : Just answer me..

RYUGA : *Ryuga face the other side and answer ...* Isn't that obvious, I'll stick with you of course. Now get some sleep, we have to wake up early tomorrow for the event..

* Aiko face the other side and tears starting to come out of her eyes as soon as she close her eyes*

~Thank you…. eventhough I know you are lying, but that lie makes me really happy~

-05:00 a.m-

AIKO : Wakeeeeeeeee uppppppppp…. *Aiko jump off the bed and land perfectly on Ryuga's stomach*

RYUGA : Uarghhhh. Damnnnnn you little bitchhhhhh. Come hereeee, I'll slaughter you and feed your meat to the pigs at the bottom of the helll….

AIKO : Hahaha, catch me if you can. *Keep provoking Ryuga endlessly.*

*They are running around in that small room. And both of them ended up tired from running around. They both lay on the bed and start to laugh at each other*

AIKO : I see that you are still as slow as a turtle.

RYUGA : Slow huh? I can run 100 meters in 10 sec and it's almost as good as the world record. It's you that is freaking fast.

AIKO : You're getting old, I see.

RYUGA : Does it hurt you if you try to be nice to me?

AIKO : Why would I wanna be nice to you? It's my decision whether I wanna be nice to you or not.

*Ryuga get on her and hold her arms. They're in the position as what you think it is*

RYUGA : What are you gonna do when I do something like this?

* Aiko's face become so red that she almost looks like a red chilli. She starting to blush and felt so embarrassed.*

~ What the heck is wrong with this guy, no matter how close we are, I forgot that he's still a boy, he ain't gonna do anything to me right…..*sob *sob ~

* Aiko's eyes is watery.*

RYUGA : Hey,hey.. I'm just kidding, I'm not that interested in you okay.

AIKO : Youuuu!!!, you better get off from me now… * while keep moving and try to hit Ryuga *

RYUGA : Ouh okay. * He gets up from her calmly.*

* Aiko quickly get up and look at Ryuga with an angry face*

AIKO : I seeee… you dare to use our different in gender to play with me huh… *giving a death stare and began to hit Ryuga*

RYUGA : Ha..ha.. Hey, hey, you can hit anywhere but not the face okay..

*bam, slap, kick.. 1 thousand kick,slap, punch in a minute received by Ryuga*

RYUGA : *kneel on the floor and beg Aiko* please stop. I promised I won't do it again next time, please forgive me, Aiko Sama.

AIKO : I dareeeeee you.

*Ting! Tong!, "the door bell is ringing"*

RYUGA : Wait, I'm coming. * Standing up and start walking towards the door while rubbing his butt where he was hit the hardest*

AIKO : Huh? ~ Who's that so early in the morning ~

RYUGA : Thank you for the trouble.

…....… : I'm just doing my job. Now I'm gonna leave if you excuse me.

RYUGA : Sure. Thanks again.

* A guy in suit take his leave after delivering a few box in front of Ryuga's apartment. *

AIKO : what's that?

RYUGA : Ouh these? These are from uncle. I ask him to send me the outfits that we need for our class. I hope these outfits will suit our friends. I didn't take their measurements in detail. But based on my analysis, these should be okay.

AIKO : Are you a machine or what?

RYUGA : Let's get ready for school. We need to get these to class as early as we can.

AIKO : Sure, give me an hour.

RYUGA : An hour is too long stupid, and here I thought you are super fast.

AIKO : 25 minutes then.

RYUGA : That's more like it. Go. Hurry!

AIKO : Okay, okay.. don't push me.

*Both of them leave for school early that day, the festival… How do you think it's going to be?*