
- class break –

*Sitting at their desks, with different expressions on everyone's face. Some are happy, some are sad and some of them are shocked at how difficult those questions are. Well, those who didn't study well are definitely the people who can't answer those well.*

AN : *looking at the empty wall with a sorrow look on his face, he suddenly rub his head out of frustrated and shout.* warghhhhh that was just the first paper of our exam and it was already that damn hard! I'm scared to think of how I'm going to do for the next paper. I even thought that if I can just pass it, it will be fine rather than getting a good mark.

SHOYO : *turn to An and nodded in agreement.* Yeah, those questions were really tricky and when I was answering them, I felt like my brain stop working sometimes. Haguro sensei really show us no mercy this time.

RYUGA : Is he the one who handled the math paper that we answered just now?

KEN : Yep, and not math paper only actually. The physics paper is also prepared by him. I was always confident whenever it comes to math but just now, nahh I didn't enjoy answering it, I was swearing at it.

RYUGA : *looking down while thinking.* ~Was it really that hard? Maybe 50% is too high then.~

AN : *turn to look at Ryuga who neither look sad nor happy, waving his hand right in front of Ryuga's face.* What are you thinking about, Ryu? Are you thinking about those questions we answered just now?

KEN : Don't worry about your mark, Ryu. If you got even 10 questions right, it will be count as good already since the questions are hard as hell.

SHOYO : Haih yep, I think I will barely pass it this time.. What about you, An?

AN : Don't even ask… *his eyes look empty, his face suddenly look so skinny as if his soul just left his body through his mouth.*

KEN : I think I just saw his soul leaving his body… I'm—not hallucinating, right?

RYUGA & SHOYO : Nope, you're not.. We saw that too…

KEN : *put his hand on An's shoulder.* Hey, cheer up An.. I'll treat you ramen later.

AN : *heard what Ken just said, it looks like his soul just float back into his body. His face look really bright, brighter than how he usually looked like. Everyone can even see his eyes are shining when he heard about food.* Where?

SHOYO : Woah, did you have two faces? How can you change from this *copying An's face BEFORE An heard about food* to this * copying An's face AFTER An heard about food* within seconds?

*An make an ugly face towards Shoyo and roll his eyes at him. Everyone watch them and laugh.*

KEN : At the fifth district, of course. Their ramen are soooo delicious. *his eyes are shining and he is drooling just by thinking about the ramen.*

AN : If you said so.. Then, I'm on it! *now two people are crazy for ramen, their eyes are shining that made the class look like there are extra lights.*

SHOYO : Then, what about studying?

KEN : *put his hand on Shoyo's shoulder.* I'll give you an advice that you must remember forever.. Good food, make you good in study..

RYUGA & SHOYO : *nodding in agreement.* ~ True.... But... Something doesn't feels right.. ~

AN : Nah, quit with that. Just tell us that "good food" make your belly look like balloon. Hahahahahaha

KEN : This balloon here *slap his belly* is much better than your "stick man" body...


*All of them laugh at each other. While looking at the boys laughing, Aiko and her group sitting not far away from Ryuga also held a little conversation about the exam just now.*

AYUMI : How was your exam, guys? I think I skipped at least 5 questions just now.

YUKIE : I only wrote my name.. Was that even math questions? I'm not even sure if this is math anymore, they should have give us numbers instead of alphabet.. Who the heck "count the word and read the number"..

*feeling stress and hold the juice that she brought tightly and it looks like it's going to flow out.*

AIKO : The problem is why are you guys gathering at my table right now? ~I want to talk to Ryuga, why are they even here?~...

AYUMI : Oh sorry, I just want to ask for your help for the next paper. By the way, how did you do for your math paper just now? Is it okay?

AIKO : Just fine.

YUKIE : I bet you just wrote down your name and left it empty just like me. Hahahahahahaha

AIKO : I did not.. ~This girl is so loud, she can't even keep quiet for a second.~

AYUMI : Yukie, slow down your voice.

YUKIE : Sorry, hihihi.

AYUMI : *took out the questions that she has problem answering.* Here's the problem I mentioned just now, can you teach me, Tachibana S-E-N-P-A-I? *begging Aiko to help her.*

AIKO : *Heard what Ayumi called her, she blushed a little and her mood lighten up.* Ouh, yeah let me take a look.

*She then look at the paper and point out her problems. She also give her some tips.

~I noticed that Tachibana really like it when she is addressed as someone that is older and respected. She have the kind of aura of a big sister, caring, loving and kind, but sometimes she can be a little bit scary. I wonder if Ryuga noticed this cute side of her.~

AIKO : Are you listening? Ayumi? *Noticed that Ayumi isn't listening. She is waving her hand in front of Ayumi's face.* Ayumi!!!!

AYUMI : *Snapped out.* Ouh, sorry sorry. The boys are too loud, they got my attention. ~sorry, that's a lie.~

*Aiko stand up and walk towards the boys, she then slam Ryuga's table and look at the boys there. The boys turn to look at her.*

AIKO : Sorry, but can you lower your voice a little bit. We still have a test after this, and we try to study a bit with this little bit of time before the second paper.

* They turn to look at the girls at Aiko's table and see that they are studying. *

KEN : Sorry Tachibana San, we will go back to our own seats.

RYUGA : Guys, let's have a lunch together later.

SHOYO : Sure.

AIKO : Sorry Ryu, I didn't mean to but they can't focus and...

RYUGA : I understand, good luck for the next paper.

AIKO : Yeah, thanks see you later. *smile and turn to go back to her seat*..

YUKIE : Woah, you are so brave Tachibana. Such a brave girl, I like that. *look at Aiko with shining eyes like she's admiring her.*

AYUMI : Yeah so cool.. *join in with Yukie.*

AIKO : Hmph.. Enough with your flattery, let's continue where we left off..

- After school –

RYUGA : Hwargh... I'm sooo sleepy and hungry too. If it's not because of my hunger, I might have gone to bed already. What are you going to cook for dinner tonight, Aiko?

AIKO : ..... ~ I wonder what's the answer for that question. It's my first time seeing that kind of question. Arghh, I've been thinking about it until now but still don't know the answer!~...

RYUGA : Oiii *while waving his hand right in front of Aiko's face.*

AIKO : Ouh sorry.. What did you say?

RYUGA : I was asking you about what you will cook for dinner tonight.

AIKO : Maybe curry, but I'm not sure if we have the complete ingredients.. What about we go to shop for a bit?

RYUGA : But, I can't wait to eat anymore, I'm too hungry already... *Remember what his friends talk about at the school.* Oh, what about ramen? I heard that there is a new shop at the fifth district.

AIKO : Oh wow, it is rare for you to know that there is a place like that to go eat.

RYUGA : Well, the boys were so hyped up when they talk about going there to eat. Maybe we will meet them there.

AIKO : Ramen??? Seems nice, but where is the place you just said, fifth district, where is that?

RYUGA : I don't know where is it either. Wait, let me ask them first. *take out his phone and call Ken*

*Ken's phone is ringing and on the screen showed "Ryuga Ma Man".*

Ken : Hey Ryu, what's with the sudden call?

RYUGA : Hey, sorry for bothering you. Where is the fifth district that you guys talked about just now?

Ken : Where are you right now?

RYUGA : I'm at fourth district right now.. I'm looking for the fifth district but I don't see any signs showing where fifth district is though.

Ken : Of course you can't see any signs showing where fifth district is, because there ain't fifth district. Fifth district don't exist, it's just a name that we gave for the corner at the end of fourth district. If you arrive at the end of fourth district, just walk along the river and then turn left. There are a lot of small shops there. Why do you want to go there?

RYUGA : I want to go to the ramen restaurant that you guys mentioned in the class with Aiko.

Ken : fufufuh... Good job, Ryu. I see that you are making some progress there with Aiko.

RYUGA : Stop saying nonsense, and thanks for the information. I'm hanging up now.

Ken : You are welcome, byee.

AIKO : Did you get the address?

RYUGA : Yup, just follow me. Let's go.

*take Aiko's beg and they walk to the fifth district together.*

-at fifth district-

AIKO : Oh wow, I never know that there is actually a place like this in this town.

RYUGA : Yeah me too, look *point towards their school.* we can see our school from here but if we look towards here from our school, we can only see the river.

AIKO : What are they doing?

*The people there are hanging some lights.*

RYUGA : It looks like a festival to me.

AIKO : It looks like it to me too.

RYUGA : Maybe they are preparing for some kind of festival. Let's check it out.

*They stroll around and got something to eat along the way while looking around. The place is crowded even though it is not a big and famous place like malls.*

AIKO : The ramen restaurant you mentioned just now, is it here?

RYUGA : Yup, this must be it.

*They are standing right outside of the restaurant and look at it before they walk in.*

.... : Welcome, please take your seat dear guest.

RYUGA & AIKO : Aren't you-- Moriganna Senpai?

*Moriganna heard their voice and look up. She is shocked when she saw both of them.*

MORIGANNA : Tsk, it's you again bitch.. *look at Aiko with a face full of hatred.*

AIKO : This looks interesting... *smirk*

MORIGANNA : It does look interesting..

... : Nee Chan, Oya San is calling for... Eh.. *shocked and got scared when saw Aiko's scary face.*

*Suddenly, there are two kids standing behind Moriganna and look at Aiko's face.*

MORIGANNA : *look at the kids.* Did Oya San called for me? Good kids go back there and tell Oya San that there're two more people coming in. *talk with a soft voice and rub the kids' head.*

.... : Okay.. *the two kids answered at the same time with cute voice and walk away.*

RYUGA : I see, you are gentler with the kids.

MORIGANNA : Did you two come here just to mock me?

RYUGA : Calm down, we come here for ramen. Is this the right place?

MORIGANNA : Yaa, this is the only ramen restaurant around here. Come in first.. *bring both of them to the empty seat.*

AIKO : You look cuter with that clothes you are wearing rather than the one you wore to school.

MORIGANNA : Just bring it on if you want, whenever you want, I'm ready. *look at Aiko with an intense look.*

AIKO : Suree, I felt itchy just from seeing your face here. *stand up and look at Moriganna.*

RYUGA : Hey, come on both of you. Aiko, sit down.

MORIGANNA : Your boyfriend look more mature than you, you should learn from him, girl.

AIKO : hmphm... *sit down without saying any words.*

MORIGANNA : So, what are you orders?

RYUGA : Just give us 2 special ramen and 2 glass of cold water, please.

*There are only three of them in the restaurant right now, so the situation in this restaurant is quieter than a usual restaurant.*

MORIGANNA : Is that all?

RYUGA : Yup.

MORIGANNA : Wait for a moment, it will be ready anytime soon. *walk away to the kitchen and left both of them alone.*

RYUGA : This place looks nice. Eventhough it is a new place that just opened, it felt like it has been operating for a long time.

AIKO : It looked pretty normal to me..

RYUGA : *yawn* I felt so sleepy right now… *lay his head on the table.*

AIKO : Looking at you yawning making me sleepy too now… *lay her head on the table too.*

* Both of them looked sleepy, Moriganna walk towards them with their cold water and put them right on their forehead.*

AIKO : *shocked by how cold it is and sit up straight.* Why did you do that. *rub her forehead.*

MORIGANNA : Here, this is on the house. *give them spicy potato cheese.*

RYUGA : Thanks, by the way Senpai, when did you start working here? I heard that this restaurant just opened recently..

MORIGANNA : Why do I need to tell you that, I still haven't forget how you slammed me on the floor at school that day.

RYUGA : Aha..Ha..Ha.. Sorry about that.

AIKO : It was you who started it, you deserve it.

MORIGANNA : But at least you don't have to be that rough on a girl.

RYUGA : Girls and boys are no different in that kind of situation, okay. *drink the cold water.*

MORIGANNA : Interesting, I like your style. You are the first guy who didn't even hesitate to come and challenge me. Next time, I'll kill you for sure *saying it with a sweet voice and take the ramen that were put on top of the counter.*

RYUGA : I'll be waiting then.

AIKO : Come to me too, I won't show you any mercy for sure.

MORIGANNA : Tsk, No one want to fight a psycho like you. *look at Aiko as if she want to bite off her head and Aiko look at her as if she want to cut of Moriganna's limbs one by one.*

RYUGA : ~ You are quite a psycho yourself too.. ~ So, are you going to answer my question that I asked earlier?

MORIGANNA : *Put down the ramen one by one in front of them.* Are you seriously going to keep asking me that? Ugh, this shop isn't it's first time operating here. It was originally from Miyagi, but they moved here for some reason.

AIKO : Then, what about those kids? *pointing at the kids that keep looking at them from the kitchen.* They seems close to you.

*They turn to look at where Aiko is pointing and the kids are shocked because they got caught watching then they ran back deeper into the kitchen.*

MORIGANNA : Actually, the owner of this restaurant is my adopted family. They moved the shop here because they see that the fifth district have potential to grow larger in the community.

RYUGA : Well, you guys got it wrong about that.. After strolling around just now, I can see that this district won't last for long, including this restaurant.

MORIGANNA : What? You rich people think that we can't survive in this place? *looking at Ryuga with an upset look after hearing what he said.*

RYUGA : That's not what I meant.. Take a look outside, all of us can see that only a few from the crowd are customers. Most of them are shops owners and workers. The clean water is used by all of the shops here also seems like a problem here. As you can see, the water come from a place that have to go through the neighborhood first before getting here. So, the water will get here really slow because the water are divided and sent to the neighborhood first. It's hard to get water here… And one more thing, it's not legal to open shops on the open road. These two are the main reason why I said something like that just now.

AIKO : Ohhh… wait.. There are more??

RYUGA : Of course, if you take a look at district 1 to 4 except the third district, those are the main roads for cars and heavy vehicles. These places are not suitable for business. Unless they open up a road that directly leads to the main road from the neighborhood.

*both of them felt a pain in their heart after hearing what Ryuga just said. Aiko stop eating and she seems like she really like the fifth district even though it's her first time here since the people here are really friendly. And Moriganna, she is so shocked knowing that their restaurant won't last long, she is clenching her hands as if she's going to break the table right in front of her into half. *

AIKO : *she look up at Ryuga and ask.* Is there nothing we can do about it, Ryu?

RYU : Well, I think there's a way to solve all of these.. It's very easy actually…

*Both Moriganna and Aiko look at Ryuga eagerly as if they are looking at their savior.*


RYUGA : Just buy the whole district... Problem solved... If we buy the district, we can also solve the water problem easier because we have the place to ourselves. And we can also have our own water distribution here. We can also set our own rules here such as if there are unknown cars, they can't use the road. Lastly, it'll be legal to do business here. *drink the cold water again.*

MORIGANNA : Hahahahahahahahahahaha... Nobody would want to do that. Even if there are people who would do that, the whole district is too expensive. It is better for them to rent it or move elsewhere as a last resort if the fee for renting is too high.

RYUGA : What if there is a person who will buy the district, he or she gives everyone a reasonable renting price and it only went up 2% every year, what do you think? *smile at Moriganna.*

MORIGANNA : What do I think? I think it's too good to be true.

RYUGA : It's not impossible though *finished his ramen* Ahh, that's delicious...

MORIGANNA : So, who is the person that is going to buy it? You are talking as if there is a person who definitely will buy it..

AIKO : Ryu, you didn't plan to let that person buy it right?

RYUGA : Of course-

AIKO & MORIGANNA : Seriously?

RYUGA : -Not..

AIKO : You scared me..

RYUGA : But, I do have someone in mind that can do that.

MORIGANNA : Just say it then, who?

RYUGA : It's a secret.. I can't tell you.

.... : Hello, is the restaurant still open? *customers talking and walk in while looking around to see if the restaurant still open.*

MORIGANNA : Cominggg!!! *look at Ryuga.* If you did found someone that is capable of doing all the things that came out of your mouth just now, one of your meal here will be free for 5 years. *walk away from both of them and go to greet the customers at the front.*

RYUGA : *watching Moriganna walk away and smile.* I will look forward to it then.

AIKO : I knew it, you are serious about buying the whole district here.. Are you going to ask for uncle's help?

RYUGA : Of course not.. I'll use my own money.. I never tell you this before, I'm actually planning on building an apartment but I haven't found any good place yet. After strolling around here just now, I found out that this place is perfect for investment.

AIKO : Build an apartment? You have that much money yet you can't even pay for the special edition jacket before? *referring to when they went to the mall together.*

RYUGA : Well, I still don't have that much money for the building now. But, soon.. Just wait and see…

AIKO : Okay.. Just don't gamble.. Even if you are a pro..

RYUGA : Of course, I will never do that kind of thing. Investment is different from gambling. We have to control the risk and the process of it is not easy as well. If you invest without any knowledge about it, it will only bring you loss. While gambling, it can be done by any people who don't love their money.

AIKO : Why is that??

RYUGA : If you gamble, you will either come back with a lump sump of money or a lot of debt. But doing investment, you can either get the results in an instant or for a long term.

AIKO : Stop stop, just cut it short, it's just like your Bitcoin thing right?

RYUGA : Yes.. Bitcoin is an example for the long term investment.. If you want to do the short term, you can invest in Forex.

AIKO : Wow, how I wish that I bought Bitcoin before just like you. It wasn't expensive before, but now 1 Bitcoin can feed you for a year..

RYUGA : Well, you can still buy them in percent.. Little by little until your "Buy" reach 100%, you can get 1 Bitcoin already. But Bitcoin is not the only crypto currencies that exist nowadays.. There are other crypto currencies that you can buy such as, (BNB) or (ETHER).

*Ryuga talk about the investment excitedly that everyone can see how bright his face is and how shining his eyes is. Even the customers that came in just now keep looking at him a few times because of how interesting the thing that he is talking about.*

~There he goes... Talking about investments again.. This can take whole night if I don't stop him.~

AIKO : I'm done eating, let's go home, it's getting late already..

RYUGA : Ouh really? *look at the clock that is hanging at the wall.* Oh damn, I lost the track of time.

*They both stand up and leave the tabs on the table. Then, they walk towards the door of the restaurant.*

AIKO : See you at school, Senpai.. *waving goodbye at Moriganna as if she is trying to annoy her.*

MORIGANNA : You better pray that you will never meet me at school.

AIKO : Oh yeah? That makes me want to see you more now… *grin*

*Both of them keep glaring at each other but not for long, then Ryuga bow in respect and he left with Aiko.*