Chapter 5-A Stranger's House

Destiny's POV

His house was nice, but not as nice as Febe's. Now, don't get the wrong idea, I'm not thinking about her, I'm just trying to say this guy had money, but not as much as her's.

I'd consider him middle class.

"You can sit down sweetness..."he said slightly smirking.

"Thank you, and my name is Destiny..."I told him smiling as I sat down and waited.

"Anthony..."he told me licking his lips as he headed to the kitchen I would assume.

I sat my bag down next to me as I layed back. He had a few paintings here and there.

They weren't very colorful and looked like just lines running in any direction it wanted to.

I hummed to myself. I got my shoes off getting a little comfortable.

"Someone's getting comfortable..."he said a bottle of some kind of wine in his hand and two glasses.

"Here..."he said and I took the glass as he poured it.

I took a sip.

"Mhm, delicious!"I told him.

"Not as delicious as you..."he told me and I blushed.

We had a couple more drinks and talked to each other about our selves.

He said he's 26 and he's a police officer. He also said he kinda grew up with his stable lifestyle but he maintained it. That sounded fair.

"Well, I'm Destiny, as I said, I'm 22 and I work at the coffee shop..."I felt kind of tipsy to be honest.

"I....I...."I wanted to speak but know what to say.

"I live in a house by myself with furniture and not chairs....surroundings...."I held my head suddenly feeling confused.

"Take it easy sweetness..."he said to me and I laughed.

"Sweetness?"I asked.

"I called you this too many times before for you to be just now complaining..."he said licking his lips.

"Sweetness...."I said to myself.

"How about I go ahead and taste you?"He asked and I raised a brow.

"Taste me?"I asked giggling.

The damn wine was getting to my head.

"Yes taste you..."he confirmed.

"Do you need a straw?"I asked innocently.

I then blurted out laughing. He joined me laughing but not as loudly as me.

He caressed my thigh trough my pants. I did nothing but allowed this.

His hands went to draw them down and I still did nothing and he got them off.

My brain felt as though it was sending signal waves as it buzzed. Damn.

"I have my very own straw to taste you...."he told me and I stared down at him.

He kissed my thigh. His tongue was wet. Why was it wet?

Damn, I was really tipsy.

He kissed my inner thighs and I opened my legs on instinct.

"Yes, spread your legs and let me taste you sweetness..."he told me.

He ran his tongue over my clit through the thin fabric of my underwear.

It felt good.

"I like that..."I said rolling my eyes in pleasure.

"You like that?"he repeated and I nodded bitting my lip as he ran his tongue up and down through my underwear.

I began grinding to meet his tongue.

He then took my underwear off making direct contact and that felt better.

A few moments of this and I was ready to explode. It happened and I threw my head back getting lost in the moment.


Yes, we had sex and he was now seeing me to the door.

"I had a great time Destiny...."he told me.

"Me too...Um..."I had forgotten the name.

"Anthony, it's a easy name to remember...."he told me.

"Yes,Anthony..."I laughed.

"I hope to see you again..."he told me his robe still open.

"I'm going to be honest,maybe..."I was talking realisticly.

This was more like a one night stand. You hope into this guy you don't know's car and go home with him, screw him and leave.

His lips met mine and I was taken off guard a little. I kissed him back however.

"Goodnight..."He smiled at me by the door frame.

"Bye..."with that he closed the door.

What a gentleman?

He could have at least offered to walk me half way. But either way I'd instinct he doesn't so it no damage done.

I let myself through his gates that didn't have a security post or a security. He did have dogs though, but they only barked when I was coming in with him and they stared at me as I left.

Didn't they know staring wasn't polite?

I sighed for a long while. I was going back to my trash bin house.

This road was definitely a lonely and cold one. I walked briskly down the street  and kept my fears hidden.

"You shouldn't be walking alone on such a street...."that voice was the voice that's been haunting me as of recently.

"Go away..."I eyes her the wind slapping me.

"Here"she simply replied placing a huge leather looking jacket over my shoulders.

She was already wearing a long sleeve blouse, why wear a creepy jacket?

"I just want to be your friend, I'm sorry about that night, I had a little too much to drink..."she tried.

Please,no not this again!

"Come on not this again..."I asked no one in particular.

"What do you want from me?"I asked irritated.

"I just want to be your friend, I know you hate me but give me a chance...."she asked me.

"No..."I continued walking furiously.

It went silent and all I could hear was our  feets making a beat on the ground.

I could feel her stare and I awkwardly continued my walk. I didn't feel that cold with the jacket over my shoulders.

"Why are you stalking me?"I asked looking in her direction although she was already staring.

"I'm not stalking you, I was worried and didn't want you to walk home all alone..."she claimed.

"Why?You don't know me?Why are you being so nice..."I argued.

"You are absolutely right, I don't, but I know your name is Destiny and you work at a coffee shop....

You love the color red, you always have to wear something red everyday..."she spoke and I walked on glancing at her.

How'd she know I like red?

"You can't go fifteen seconds without blinking...."she added.

"I do not....."I defended.

We had a stare down.A few moments passed.

"See..."she announced.

"What?"I asked unaware of blinking.

"You just did, I saw it, you may not have noticed but I do..."she told me.

"Whatever..."I rolled my eyes walking on at a faster paste.

She sped up too and we walked in silence once again. Normally I'd sing lowly or hum to myself when I walk home alone but now that she's here I couldn't.

The silence was killing me not because we weren't speaking but the fact that she's here. If she wasn't here the silence would be fine.

I sighed unknowingly again.

I could still feel her eyes pasted to me.

Why was she doing this?

Why was she walking me home?

We aren't friends!

"So can we be friends?"she pressed on.

"No!"I barked.

"Why don't you just disappear and leave me alone!"I hissed looking her way.

She pulled her head back apparently in shock. This was the truth. She was becoming like my shadow.

"Here!"I shoved her jacket to her after I taking it off.

I left her there the only steps being heard was mine. I felt my spirit ease, she was gone and I was alone again.

I definitely felt cold once again but I ignored the feelings walking on. Every time the window blew and something crackled I spun around trying to find the creator of the sound.

I hurried along the streets just a little bit longer until my house was seen, it looked terrible, but I intended to change that.

I entered my yard crickets greeting me. I swiftly unlocked my door and got in closing it behind me. I exhaled relieved that I was at least somewhat safe.

I stripped my clothes off then got into the shower which begged for me to be more gentle.

After my bath I got into my appropriate night wear and got into bed. I ignored my phone as I wasn't gonna use it before bed tonight, I wasn't in the mood.

Why wouldn't she just leave me alone?The more she's around me, the more person will think I am like her.

I'm not,I don't want anybody to think I am either.

I closed my eyes just for a few seconds.

A shadow began to cast my way and I finally turned to see what she was up to.

I was so shocked when I turned around that I froze. She was leaning in staring into my eyes.

Time slowed down. It's like this actually happened already. Everything else around me but her was blurry. She was coming at me very slowly for a moment.

Everything went back to normal.

I hope this isn't what I think it is. She was so close then I came to my senses.

I moved aside her lips crashing between the sofa and my arm.I rose from her sofa grabbing my purse panic filled as I ran outdoors.

I gasped jumping from my short sleep. I must of dozed off dreaming about something I didn't want to.

I was angry and confused. Why did this memory keep coming back as a dream or just a memory when I really didn't want it to?

I sat up staring at nothing in particular. I got off my bed and went towards the restroom.

I splashed only water to my face once then wiped my face in a towel.

I wiped my toilet seat with a piece of tissue before sitting. I don't know what might have crawled on it while I was away.

It burned when I peed. Anthony was a bit insensitive. I don't think I was moist enough down there since he devoured me like a pig.

He didn't wait or ask if I was comfortable he just did what was pleasing to him.

I mean, everything else was great other than that.

I flushed the toilet and went back to bed closing my eyes and going to sleep willingly.

Another chapter. Hope you guys enjoy.