Chapter 8- I Owe Her An Apology

Destiny's POV

We still weren't friends but I did owe her an apology. I knew exactly how to find her, but not what exactly to say.

Today wasn't a work day for me, it was a Sunday and Amera, the baker guy and the boss usually runs those shift together.

I sighed looking at my reflection in the mirror. I was wearing a jeans skirt that was knee length and a regular gray blouse.

Why was I worrying about my attire, I was just going to try and apologize not to impress anyone.

Maybe I felt the need to look my best because I am poor, she was rich. I'm like wild grass growing on a beautiful flower. We don't go together.

I finally decided to leave my house satisfied with what I was wearing, I looked presentable  probably not to her.I couldn't afford to waste money so I'd get to her by feet.


I had to fight to not to turn back for multiple reasons. First of all,I did not belong here, secondly I felt so stupid doing this, thirdly there was a 90% chance she'd shun me and finally, that gut feeling that give you some bad vibe.

I swallowed my pride walking up to the gates. I saw a security lady.

"I-"I tried to explain why I was here but she just began opening the gates.

She rolled her eyes.I looked behind me if there was a car coming,there was none.

Why would she just let me in like that?

"Are you just gonna stand there?"she had a annoyed expression.

I invited myself in nervous and confused.

Maybe the security remembers me from that night I had dinner with Febe?

Or maybe Febe was expecting me?

No that's impossible, I didn't tell her I was coming here, I can't even tell the last time I saw her.

Could she be watching me on a camera and talking to the security through a earpiece?


I began to get even more nervous. I continued my journey until I came upon her door and her vicious beasts lowly growled at me.

I swallowed my pride once more. I raised my fist leaving a little distance between it and the door.

I made three knocks and withdrew my hand waiting. She might just slam the door shut once she see's who it is.

I started to fidget  knowing she could open the door at any minute. I also tried to gather my words quickly so I'd know what to say to her when she opens the door.

I thought to myself. I'd say Goodnight Morning first of all, then I'd tell her I'm sorry for being so mean to her then I'd present her with my discovery.

No, probably that would sound stupid. Should I just give her the DVDs and say sorry.

Definitely not,that would probably sound childish and unintelligent. I should say Good morning.

She might just slam the door on me before I get to say good, maybe I should just give her the disks.

But I should probably just give it to her while explaining because she might think I'm blackmailing her.

It's been a while since I've been standing here and nobody came to the door.

Maybe she wasn't home?

Maybe I should just leave?

No, I came too far.

I knocked a little louder and I saw some guards eyeing me from the other house a little distance away on her property.

I heard a little shuffling further down in the house. I stopped fidgeting and stood up strait putting my hands before me holding the bag in front me also.

I heard the footsteps get nearer and I held my breath. They stopped right behind the door.

I swallowed saliva.

The nob began twisting and my heart was racing in all different directions. When the door began  moving inwards it seemed like it was happening in slow motion.

The door finally opened.

"Didn't expect to see you here"her voice was dry for the first time ever and my throat went dry.

She was wearing a white robe and it was opened. This was very awkward for me. I could see her black underwear and I could also see that she was braless.

I could basically see her breast, the only thing stopping me was the robe that was covering her nipples. Her thighs were exposed, her hair was a hot mess and she was makeup free.

She still looked beautiful unlike me anyone who saw me would die when they see me make up free. I could die right now at the awkwardness.

"Who is it my honey bee"another female spoke and that voice was very familiar.

She came up behind Febe so close there was no space. She was literally on Febe's as, except separated by a robe. Her hands reached around and rested on Febe's bare thigh.

She made eye contact with me a cocky smile on her face as she looked me deep in the eyes and tipped up on her toes kissing Febe's neck slowly and in a teasing manner.

She was Alexia.

I allowed it to soak in.  My coworker Alexia was just intimate with Febe. They probably were keeping up their hanky panky before I came.

That must have been what took Febe so long to  answer.

"You can cum if you want"Lexi told me still staring in my eyes.

I knew she meant that I could come inside but I knew she had another meaning behind it.

I felt so awkward.

"Stop that Lexi!"Febe threatened.

Before Febe could speak again Alexia replied.

"Or what?You'll discipline me?"she flirted.

"Not now, what do you want Destiny?" she simply asked me.

"I want...." I began.

I felt confused, I knew what I wanted to say but I began to stumble over my words.

"I..."I told her and her staring at me didn't help, neither the attire.

She was practically naked and expected me to be all kool and not awkward. She didn't seem to be awkward but I was, Lexi was still bracing on her and also staring at me only wrapped up in a sheet.

"Sorry...I want to say sorry!"I ended up sounding aggressive.

I covered my face feeling awkward and embarrassed. Staring at them wasn't helping.

I kept my hand over my face and felt my tears flowing. I came this far to embarrass myself. I cried silently.

I felt a hand on my wrist trying to pull my hands away but I resisted.

The person gave up then I felt them pull me inside as I heard a door shut.The person then aggressively pulled on my hands tugging them from my wet face.

"Why are you crying?..."she questioned.

Alexia was gone.

"I came to apologize, you were right...."I told her feeling ashamed.

I handed her the bag of CD's. I watched her open the bag as she looked at the first CD. She had them on her lap.

She had a really flat stomach. Her boobs were also very nice. Her nipples were partially showing if you looked closely. I just noticed them now.

She had nothing to be insecure about when it came to her body, face or her lifestyle. My eyes fell back to her stomach then back to her lap in which she had the disks.

My eyes went from her thighs to her underwear. Even that looked very expensive. I could clearly see a wet stain at her crotch.

I diverted my eyes feeling awkward. I focused on the DVD and I realized she was now looking on the cover of mine.

My blood rushed to my head. I was naked on that DVD. She was taking in the cover. I should have took that one and pur it aside, how stupid was I?

I grabbed it from her hand.

"Sorry..."I apologize as I turned the DVD cover face down.

The back had a image which I never noticed before. It was me again, naked and Curtis going down on me in a black cloth mask in which he had his eyes and mouths part cut out.

I just forced the disk to my bag embarrassed. When I looked back up she was staring at me.

"I knew he was an asshole but I never knew he made porns out of the women he uses..."she told me.

"He usually dumps girls after he thinks he gets enough of them..."she carried on.

"I'm gonna take him down with this,it's gonna be hard since he himself is a cop but I'm gonna get him what he deserves..."she added.

"Yes, I'm truly sorry for not listening to you about him..."I spoke.

"And I'm also sorry about....."I let myself trail off not wanting to say it.

"It's fine,all in the past....

I made my mistake, was trying to prevent yours but it happened...."she played it off.

"Friends?"I asked.

She at least deserved that. I was being a bitch towards her before not knowing she meant me good.

Her eyes lit up and she say up from her slouched position.

"Are you not kidding me?"she was smiling.

"No, I'm not..."I offered her a smile to re assure her.

"Definitely yes!"She jumped on the opportunity but what I never expected was her to hug me.

Her breast pressed against  mine barely covered by anything. This felt really weird as I could feel her breast against my clothed one.

"Great since we are friends can I invite you to the movies with me and Lexi tomorrow night?"she asked.

"On a Sunday?"I queried.

"Please..."she begged.

"Fine....can I invite someone?"I asked and I could see that she wasn't pleased.

She smiled anyway and said.

"Sure, why not..."

"Thanks" I told her.

"I'm gonna get going..."I told her as my purpose here was full filled.

I apologized and she saw proof.

"Might as well wait on me, I'm already leaving..."Lexi told me.

She was wearing a blue jeans, blue eye shadow, a orange blouse with sleeves and orange sneakers. Her hair was down and straightened.

"I'm gonna go get my bag..."she went back and I stood by the closed door waiting.

When she got her bag we left and thank god her journey was shorter than mine so she didn't have to see my house.

I sincerely apologize for not updating earlier but here I am.