"Well, while most of your trials test what you know, this tests your learning capabilities. There is much to learn, however I can only teach you a little unless..." Daoshi stopped himself as he started bringing up something not relevant right now.
"Unless what?" Yue asked catching the slip up, and very curious.
Feeling conflicted on whether or not he should mention it, says. "How about this, if you succeed in the trial I give you, then I will tell you, if not then you will just have to try and figure it out yourself?"
"Okay, deal." Yue said, then started asking. "So what are we doing?"
"Well let us begin with your basics before getting you ready for the trial." Daoshi replied, then continued after a brief pause, and going to sit on his tombstone. "First, show me you casting a spell, while telling me what you know of magic."