"Is that such a surprise? Either way, can we get back to the matter at hand? Or is that your answer, that you do not want to upgrade your bodies?" Yue asked while getting a little annoyed that while they were asking for something, they completely ignored his efforts, but stayed calm.
The three quickly quieted down, and tried to accept the new truth, that to them felt bigger than if the sun was rising in the west.
"Sorry, we would love that, however our reaction was just because it is not everyday that you hear about such a cultivator, let alone meet one of their disciples." Shen Hu said while trying to appease Yueliang.
"Alright, I get it. However, let us not speak about this for a while. If you are so excited, just wait until you meet him. Although first, I have to find him again, which should be pretty quick once we are out in space." Yue said calming them down, as he could see the three did not want to miss such an opportunity.