Into the Forest

    "..." Yueliang said seeing that he had no bad intentions, and then continued after a few seconds while walking away. "By the way, a little advice, until you are proficient in juggling, you should probably avoid doing it blind."

    James just stood there dumbfounded after realizing what Yueliang said, thinking. 'I cannot believe I actually accidently nearly killed my king. This is terrible, at least I did not get killed for that mistake. This cannot happen again, clearly juggling cannot be practiced until my vision comes back again.'

---- Meanwhile ----

    "So roughly how far are we from that small town filled with those exercise enthusiasts?" Yue asks jokingly.

    "Mmm, probably a day or two if we go at a walking pace, however if we run, then probably just a number of hours. Are you in a hurry to get there?" Shen Hu replies.

    "Definitely not after our physical training. What about you?"