"... As for your last question, your body will adapt, and grow stronger the longer you stay here. Plus, if any issues happen to arise, I am always able to help, not to mention the others who live here, who could also help."
"Hmm, well it is not as thought I have any family to return to anyway. So why not." Qing said with a care free attitude.
Talking for a short while, whilst walking, soon after the group make it back to the house. The group upon arriving, stops, and Yueliang says while looking at the two moons high in the sky. "The guest house is on the side, right there. Regardless, instead of staying up, I recommend we all go to sleep earlier tonight. That is if you want to make it to the auction house on time tomorrow. Also, considering we will have many guests in town, be on your guard."
Hearing his words, the four others nod, before Qing heads to the side house, and the rest head into the main house to go to sleep.