
    "Well, how about we show you all the products of King Uthers' mens' effort? I am sure King Uther will be quite pleased. As well as any of the rest of you who decide to utilize our services." Yueliang asks while closely observing their reactions.

    "You are actually training people?" A few of the people surrounding asked.

    "Yes, however it was a little difficult at first, since our training methods are a little rough for the faint hearted." Yueliang replies before asking. "So would you like to see their progress?"

    "Hahah, I find it funny that you are using my men, for your own personal advertisement. Truly a merchant at heart, although you tend to keep your prices to low for a merchant, even during the auction." King Uther says while laughing.

    Yueliang sighs before saying. "First off I am still not the most certain of prices in this world, but the second and most important reason is that I am not doing this for profit."