"You are right Yueliang, and thank you in advance for helping." She replies.
---- An Hour Later ----
"Well, see you later." Yueliang waves, as he leaves, whilst thinking to himself. 'What else should I do today? Hmm, I had Yang clean her place instantly, and then we talked for an hour. What to do?'
The others having already left before him, to do other things, he is now alone walking the streets of the town that he built. Admiring the scenery, he thinks to himself. 'It will be time soon, I just hope that everyone is ready.'
"King Yueliang!" Someone exclaims from across the street.
Looking over, Yue sees a short figure running towards him. 'Hmm?'
---- A Few Seconds Later ----
"Thank you for waiting, there are a few people outside the gates waiting for you." Kiisser says.