Find The Lost

    The emperor having finished this matter begins saying. "I apologize for the troubles you all had to deal with because of my son Bao. However, with that matter now dealt with, shall we get to the matter at hand my children?"

    Hearing this, Yueliang nods, and Ai Lan answers after kneeling. "That sounds great, and once again, I apologize for interrupting your cultivation for this matter."

    Chiming in to speak his piece, Yue says after kneeling as well. "I also apologize for taking up your time sir emperor."

    Wanting to finish this up, so he can get back to other matters, the Emperor says. "It is fine, and this is important. Guards, good work, now back to your posts unless you have something to report." With that, the guards take a deep bow, and then turn to leave the room, allowing the emperor to continue.