I Will Give You A Child

The figure of Prince Aerus filled Lia's eyes after she stood up slightly, staggered, and then turned around.  One of her hands rested on the wall so she wouldn't lose her footing. She snorted when she guessed right, that Zizie's scream and her body were thrown off because of Prince Aerus.  There was no gratitude in Lia's heart.

She said, "You don't have to go that far.  Other people could be suspicious about what happened earlier, and someone could see you here.  Zizie is quite an important person here. She could have used her bad luck to get rid of me."  Lia seemed to direct a lot of protests for Prince Aerus.  She just got pissed off because of all the things he did to her, and Lia used this opportunity to blow things up.  Her annoyance at Zizie was also another trigger.

 Prince Aerus should have just left because his arrival made Lia's life even more chaotic.  This made Lia suffocate even more.

 There was quite a loud snort.  Prince Aerus' body became more solid than before, he had drawn all his body forms into the world of reality.  He messed up his glory by upsetting Lia.  But that was not the important point he realized.

 What he realized was that Lia was completely ungrateful to him, after he had protected her with all his heart.  Doing heroic things was common in Hexa, but when the context was different, namely between two people of different castes and also different races, it should be another side that deserved attention.

 The knights in Hexa would only protect the people in Hexa, or when a partnership between galaxies and planets was made, then they would expand their duties.  But Hexa never had a union with the earth.  Shouldn't Prince Aerus' heroic attitude be appreciated?

 This made Prince Aerus even more sullen.  He did not know that Lia's eyes were so blinded by eternal blindness, that she did not see the kindness that Prince Aerus had bestowed upon her.

 "Next time don't do that again.  You don't have to worry about me.  I'm really fine and can take care of my life.  Zizie isn't a monster that's going to kill me after all.  She's just nosy."  Lia walked slowly to return to the sink and work. She didn't even smile or make longer eye contact with Prince Aerus, except for the first two seconds.  Her annoyance had eroded her senses to the point where she couldn't remember what the consequences would be if Prince Aerus exploded with emotion.

 Red sparks crawled in the corner of Prince Aerus' eyes, which now became wider when she saw Lia's nonchalant attitude.  His hands clenched, for a moment he wanted to drag Lia and punish her.

 But moments later Prince Aerus said arrogantly, "I didn't do all that for you.  You don't ever think that I have time to protect a girl like you, I am not that free.  I did it for my future child, for your womb, and your belly.

 "You must not be injured so that the pregnancy process can occur soon.  And you shouldn't feel stressed because that will be another obstacle."  Prince Aerus folded his arms in front of his chest, lifting his chin as usual.

 His body that was bathed in the light that slipped from the ventilation of the room made him so charming.  If only Lia was a cheap girl she would jump on Prince Aerus to seduce him.

 But Lia was not that kind of girl.  She refused to even turn around and left her job which was still piling up.  "Good.  I am glad to hear that.  But you still don't have to, because I can take care of myself.  And as for pregnancy, I've been meaning to say this for a long time."

 Now Lia turned around after she managed to wash all the dishes, leaving only the dirty glasses. She had finished rinsing all the plates and had also placed them on the tray.  She would take the tray to the kitchen, and Lia could put the clean plates on the shelf.

 Lia pushed the tray containing the clean plates, intending to deliver them to the kitchen a few moments later.  Now she faced Prince Aerus and continued her conversation, "I was just wondering if I gave birth to a child for you, then you would let me go right?"  Lia didn't realize how stupid she was, who was fighting Prince Aerus who was filled with sparks of emotion.

 However, Lia's annoyance swallowed her to the top, making her miss the slightest sign.  For her, she was currently feeling tight, and all that tightness she must directly relieve. She wanted to take it all out on Prince Aerus, the one who had turned her life upside down.

 While Prince Aerus was not very aware of Lia's mood, that if a girl who was tired and troubled would usually be more sensitive.  Since he never had experience with any girl, it was no wonder that Prince Aerus tended to be selfish and couldn't treat Lia better.  After all, Prince Aerus' attitude was superior.  So that's not surprising at all.

 "You want….  what?  You want me to release you?  Do you think you're a prisoner?  Do you think you're just a cattle that only need to produce offspring for me?"  Prince Aerus clenched his fists, the glint of emotion in his irises intensified.  In his mind, he only attracted negative thoughts about Lia, that she just wanted to get out of the hands of Prince Aerus to belong with Neil.  How low, and how petty Lia was.

 Lia had become the mate of Prince Aerus, a girl who would fill his whole heart and life.  Prince Aerus had fantasized a lot about Lia, about her wild side, and also their life which would become very romantic.  But Lia's question hit Prince Aerus' patience.

 "Explain to me.  Do you just want to run because you don't want me to touch you or do you want to run because you want to sleep with Neil right away?"  Prince Aerus stomped his last steps right in front of Lia, clenching his fists at the sides of his waist very firmly.  From a distance, it looked like sparks were thinly escaping from Prince Aerus' fist, or some other bluish flame, the hottest flame.

 A burst of jealousy filled Prince Aerus' heart.  He was conscious of it, and he ignored it.  He just wanted to get an explanation from Lia, get information from everything Lia was thinking.  Did Lia want to be with him, did Lia want Neil so badly, and did Lia intend to run away from him?

 Prince Aerus already knew all the answers to the various questions that had settled in his mind.  But the folly of love and jealousy blinded his eyes and logic.

 Lia defied her death.  When she finally came to her senses as to what she had summoned, she became a bit shriveled and regretted her decision to fight Prince Aerus.  All this had suffocated her and forced her to become a very different person than usual.  But moments later she realized that this was all-natural.  People would emerge with different personalities when they felt a fit of haunting anger.

 And Lia had the right to that.

 Lia thought for a moment, whether she needed to step down and whether the decision was very effective. She wasn't sure if her setbacks would make things any better.  So in the end Lia volunteered on the verge of death saying, "Both.  I don't want you to touch me and I want to leave soon to live with Neil.  Are you satisfied now?  So when can we finish all of this?  I will give you a child."
