
Prince Aerus' touch became more distant, spreading downwards, causing Lia to be tormented by inner turmoil.  This was beyond her control, especially when Prince Aerus had known her weak points, which would have made it easier for her to give up.  It's unfair, but unfortunately, Lia couldn't do anything about it.

 Lia, who was struggling so hard, was now starting to weaken. She was panting, biting her lip, and also wanting to curse. She was fighting with herself, with the desire in her wild heart, especially when she felt Prince Aerus' hand lift one of her legs.

 Panic began to spread, Lia's face turned red and she squirmed again.  "No, do not do it!  Stop!"  Lia's voice was muffled and could barely come out.  There were a million mischievous vibes in her voice, indicating that she wasn't completely resisting all touch from Prince Aerus.  Her human urge seemed to want to take control.

 "Prince Aerus," Lia hissed while biting her full lips.  Her eyes were closed, and her face drooped very weakly.  Her entire body trembled as if boiling along with her swishing blood.

 In the midst of all that Prince Aerus smirked.  He brought his lips to Lia's ear and whispered, "Call me Aerus.  Call me by the favorite name you created for me."  Then he bit Lia's ear, causing her to explode with a burst of fire that tickled her sensitive body.

 Lia tried to hold her legs closed so she wouldn't get a sudden attack that could weaken her.  The situation was not in her favor, and Lia could have lost and returned to being a girl who could only be a mere gratification of lust, that's the impression she had caught so far.  Whereas for Prince Aerus, Lia had become an important figure for him, who would free him from the torment of Mirah energy in his body, and who would become his life companion one day.

 It felt too fast, and it felt too rushed.  Prince Aerus, who had a stubborn nature and rejected Lia's presence, suddenly changed his perspective drastically.  But to be honest, that's exactly what happened, because he had felt the wildness of Lia, and he liked it.  All men love it….. all of them. So there was nothing wrong with Prince Aerus.

 His heart was still empty, never anchored on any land.  So it would be very easy for him to set goals, especially amid his peaceful life without ever feeling traumatized and hurt, so different from Lia.

 "Call my name, Lia.  Come on!"  Prince Aerus kissed Lia's ear again, then on her cheek, on her lips, and also on her neck.  While his hands were still moving mischievously below, forcing Lia's legs to stay open so he could roam freely.

 Lia started to moan because she wouldn't be able to win against Prince Aerus.  Several times she wanted to turn herself in, but her senses forced her to run away.  After biting her lip firmly enough, Lia whispered, "Stop.  I beg you."

 Prince Aerus shook his head, in between his head which buried itself in the crook of Lia's neck, inhaling her sweaty but intoxicating scent.  "You said you wanted to settle everything.  You said you wanted to give me a child right away.  I'm just stimulating your wish.  Am I wrong?  Hmm?"

 Prince Aerus made various domineering moves, forcing Lia to surrender herself, find a very sensitive point, and then invade.  Everything was going to be very long and high, but Prince Aerus was just warming up.  He just wanted to punish Lia in his way, so that she would become weak and take back everything she said.

 Prince Aerus wouldn't be doing any main activities if he wasn't forced to.  He wanted to restrain himself so that Lia wouldn't get pregnant right away, suddenly he felt very scared.  However, on his current mission, he must soon have a child.

 He was at war with himself, on the decisions he had to make.  A second later he understood that he had to come up with a plan.  Meanwhile, he continued to tear down Lia's defenses, causing Lia to tear and finally stiffen because she felt herself giving up and then hugged Prince Aerus' body.

 Breathing, full of sweat, and also droopy eyes.  Lia closed her eyes, hating herself for being so weak.  She tried to bring her legs together again but was still restrained by Prince Aerus' hands.

 "I'm just talking nonsense.  Please stop," said Lia breathlessly, in the middle of her chest that was moving up and down, in the middle of her shirt buttons that were already open and also messy.  Once again she moved her feet, trying to negotiate.

 But Prince Aerus gave a flat face as if he didn't like Lia's idea.  Then he lowered Lia's pants, lower than before.  He prepared himself so that he could immediately enjoy Lia completely.  He just wanted to punish her, give them a warning about the big mistake she had made.

 The purple color in his irises was still not visible, but Prince Aerus still wanted to do it.  So he made preparations, amid Lia's eyes widening and she struggling even more.

 "Not again!  Someone will see us!  I beg you!  I'm just talking nonsense.  Prince Aerus, just this once!  I beg you to listen to me."  Lia pushed away Prince Aerus' hand, then she tried to push him away.  But then again, he was too strong, he was always in control.

 Lia almost screamed when she felt an indecent thing was approaching her.  She began to tremble, then drew her eyes to the door of the room she was staying in. She was just worried if Zizie suddenly came in, or Doni suddenly came in.  Doni was the chef who cooked in the kitchen.  Sometimes he went to the tool storage area just in case he ran out of stock.

 Anything could happen, and Lia didn't want to be caught doing 'this'.  Moreover, she was an unmarried girl, this was a mistake! She had to stick to her principles, even if it was a little too late.

 "Prince Aerus, you are the most handsome.  You are the best.  You are generous.  You wouldn't do this when a weak girl didn't want to."  Lia closed her mouth, holding herself in the middle of Prince Aerus's 'attack'. She couldn't stay under this condition any longer.

 "Stop.  I beg you."  Lia closed her eyes, gripping Prince Aerus' royal clothes. She was in the middle and she began to cry, lamenting her miserable life.  In the midst of it all she also remembered Neil, she remembered how much she had betrayed him.

 Prince Aerus was panting, he pressed Lia's forehead to his, then he kissed her lips.  "I am the best, and I will be."

 "Stop!"  Lia raved, writhing in the middle of her attempt to escape.

 Prince Aerus said, "Never."
