Rebellious Girl and Be Cheated One

Neil tried to see everything from a fair perspective. "That's good. If he's protective it means you're under his protection. Someone who loves his family tends to be protective." There was a sense of comfort in Neil's voice.

 Lia shrugged, not wanting to interfere with Neil's opinion of protective siblings. "Sometimes he goes too far."

 "I see," Neil nodded. "You must be feeling, 'oh I have a life of my own. You shouldn't do this and that to me. I'm an adult so I want to do what I want.' That sort of thing right?" 

 After seeing Lia's small nod, Neil spoke again. "It is reasonable. You guys are just understanding each other but don't want to put each other's egos down. Your ego wants to be free, and your ego to protect you. You have to communicate often so that your relationship doesn't fall apart. I saw that you two fought. I hope it's not because of me."