I'll Cover You

The scorching sun went through a straight path, now leaning more toward the west. Lia was not excited, nor was the sky cloudy. Moving her hands limply, the girl didn't notice that Neil had been watching her from afar.

"Lia, are you that sad because Aerus left? I am here. Why did everything about you change all of a sudden? What happened? What made you move me out of your gleaming gaze?"

Neil had been thinking all night last night. He thought of various things he had to think about, including one of which was about Lia's drastic attitude who suddenly liked and admired Aerus.

Whereas previously Neil was very sure, there was no love in Lia's eyes for Aerus. There was only disgust, and disgust, and more.

"If the universe is fair, then it should have made Lia mine. We like each other, I'm sure of that. But suddenly everything changed. Hahhh…" Neil's shoulder looked sluggish, hitting the pastel paint wall behind him.