Just Get Married With Him

Neil closed the car window spontaneously when he found out what Lia was doing. "Why are you crying? Is the sun shining too brightly in your eyes? Hmm?" Neil repeatedly turned to Lia even though he was still driving.

He didn't want anything bad to happen to her.

Knowing she would only make Neil worry, Lia immediately wiped her torn. "Yes, the sun is indeed too bright. I didn't notice and was enjoying the view too much."

The car continued to slide for a few minutes later. Then by the time the clock showed eleven o'clock in the afternoon, they had arrived at their destination. Neil had followed the path according to the GPS, and luckily they didn't get lost.

Helping Lia to remove the seat belt, Neil was now out after Lia got out of the car. The atmosphere of the orphanage was very lively, children came out to play and chase. When they saw Lia and Neil walking, they shied away after a very friendly greeting.