
"Can you tell me what I have to do so Lia will accept my gift?" Neil ventured to ask Cindy when he arrived at the house where Lia lived. The man pretended to want to rest for a while, but he just wanted to ask Cindy for some advice.

The chubby-faced girl certainly didn't hesitate to give advice. She was even very excited, especially after hearing Neil's intention to give Lia a motorbike.

"She has wanted to buy a motorbike for a long time, but she is always stuck because of the amount of salary. The salary at your cafe is enough to pay for a motorbike. But if you want to give her a present, then I will be very happy. So if you want her to accept your gift, do this… then this… and this."

Neil listened intently and memorized all of Cindy's instructions. After getting what he wanted he said goodbye to go home before Lia even finished making drinks for him.

"Why come home so early? Just wait until the drinks are ready."