Attack and Protector Cells

Prince Aerus had already told his father what he knew, regarding the possibility that Lia had the same ancestral gene as them. It's good that King Artesun seemed to see this as a positive hope.

"Then hurry up and meet Professor Braines so you can find the answer!" King Artesun looked meaningfully at his son while standing next to his wife very valiantly.

Without having to wait long Prince Aerus obeyed the mandate. He immediately picked up an appointment to meet with Professor Braines. Riding his usual Sharpex, he finally arrived at the laboratory. In the distance was the reincarnation tree of Susan, Professor Braines' wife.

And as usual, Prince Aerus would get a guide in the form of an Elfagos robot. They would go through light trails and several passages manually until they finally arrived at their destination.

Now Professor Braines was waiting for his arrival. His tall figure now stood up to greet his nephew. "How are you?"