A Guardian Phoenix Bird

Another world appeared again, hit again as if drowning Lia without warning at all. She remembered not grasping her wood at all, but now she got the same reflection when she grasped it.

The ground was soft and firm at the same time, and also the palace waved for her to approach. The woman screamed, asking her to come.

"My daughter!" screamed the woman, in a recognized and unfamiliar language at the same time.

Lia looked at various places, found green leaves dripping water like shining pearls. Her steps moved as the tiny creatures led her to a place.

"Who are you?" Lia asked, confused and amazed at the same time.

The tiny creatures approached Lia, with hair sticking out and falling to the ground. They were probably no more than fifty centimeters tall. "Princess?" squeaked one of them, whose skin was as supple as a baby's, but it was bluish.