Beware of All Parties

"The prime ministers know nothing, sir." The last dancer reported to the Bruzhko. Her beautiful and slender body was now standing in fear in front of the prime minister. Her hair was tied up high as if she was going to brave the rain. Then the cloth covering her body was just like a useless mosquito net.

No different from her, all dancers were like that too. It's not very clear whether they were dressed or maybe not at all. They stood in fear, glaring at the look on Bruzhko's face, which seemed to be in a rage.

Bruzhko banged on the table in front of her, while the rest of the prime ministers were sprawled on the floor. Prince Aerus had already returned to his inn. Bruzhko's hands clenched into fists, raging with emotion.

"The prince is good at keeping secrets like him," he muttered disgustedly. "Though I saw him making other moves in his inn. He went somewhere I couldn't trace. Where do you think he is?"