New Passages and Important Information

His hands went down to reach the provocative tingle. He saw Eleny hissing happily. "You want to do it with me tonight?" He seemed to suck one side of Eleny's cheek, which was near the ear and then bit it.

Eleny now moaned softly, accompanied by a very strong weakness in her knees. She also put her arm around Saderus' neck, leaning on her face so she could kiss him freely.

"How?" the man asked again, breaking the kiss and also the stroking of his hand. "You want?"

Eleny bit her lip and then nodded slowly. "So tonight we're just going to do it?"

"We can go for a walk first if you want. You must have a lot of beautiful places that we can visit. Or you can tell me about your life if you want. We can take a natural approach. I don't mind, even though I want you."