Chapter 37

Rayven was once again surprised to see William coming to the training after the rumors that circulated about his father. This boy and his sister never failed to amaze him.

As soon as he arrived the other boys began to whisper and then one called him a traitor's son. William ignored them and went to pick up his wooden sword to start his training but no one wanted to fight him. 

"You." Rayven pointed at the boy who called him a traitor. "Fight him." He ordered. 

"Yes, my Lord!" He said but cursed inwardly. 

William took a steady grip around his sword ready to fight the boy and Rayven leaned back against the tree to watch the beating. It was more satisfying than he expected. William seemed much stronger than usual and Rayven knew all too well that the strength came from the anger inside. He knew that look in Williams' eyes.