Chapter 42 part 2

"Where are you taking me?" Angelica asked. 

"I am sure you know since you tried to run away." Said the man sitting to her left and holding the dagger. 

"I don't want to." She said. 

The man nodded. "I can see that. It is hard to accept but you will get used to it." 

Used to it? 

The man sitting across from her studied her face and let his gaze rake her body. "You would make a lot of money." He said as if that should be some kind of consolation. 

"A lot." The other one emphasized. 

The one with the dagger nodded again. "You will do well, Angelica. You won't even have to try. In no time you will be able to pay back Lord Green." He told her. 

These men...she couldn't believe it. They were talking so casually about it as if she was just going to do any other kind of work. Perhaps it was any other kind of work for them.