Chapter 43 part 2

After breathing in some fresh air, Angelica went back inside. She followed the sound of the women chattering and came to a room where a few women sat at a table, eating food. Her eyes searched for Valeria but she wasn't there. The only other person she recognized was Mina. 

"Angelica," she smiled and waved when she saw her. "Come in." 

All the other women looked her way as she hesitantly stepped into the room. The smell of food made her stomach growl. 

"This is Angelica ladies," Mina told the other women and then patted on the seat next to her. 

Angelica went to sit down while feeling everyone's eyes on her. It was very quiet as she sat down but soon the chattering started again. Some of the women sitting closer to the table introduced themselves and then they were curious about her and began to ask a lot of questions.