Chapter 45 part 2

She remained frozen in place as Lord Rayven walked by her and began to head upstairs. 

Tomorrow morning? 

No. She couldn't leave. She had nowhere to go. When she turned back to ask him to let her stay a little longer, he had already left. 

He had just walked by her. When did he even reach the top? She hurried upstairs to see if she could catch up to him but he was nowhere to be seen.  Maybe it was better this way. She had until tomorrow morning to think of what to say to him so he would let her stay. 

Angelica went back to the room where she had been sleeping and curled up under the sheets. How could she let him know about her offer? It wasn't something she could easily say. She was in no place to negotiate with him. After thinking for a long while she couldn't find a good way to say it. She would just have to tell him as it is. 

Closing her eyes she tried to sleep away the anxiety that was causing her to tremble.