Chapter 49

Rayven opened his eyes with a groan. He didn't want to wake up but after the long sleep, he couldn't force himself to sleep anymore. Especially not when he could hear Angelica moving around the castle. What was she doing? 

The aroma of freshly baked bread greeted him after a long period of ignoring her. This couldn't be Jada since he compelled her to leave after bringing her in just to take care of Angelica. 

He pushed himself up annoyed. What was the woman up to? 

Dragging himself downstairs he found food served on the large dining table that had been gathering dust over the years. Now it was clean, a few candles were lit and placed neatly in the middle, and warm food was served. 

Rayven scoffed. As long as this woman was alive he would keep getting surprised. 

Angelica walked into the dining room with more food. When she took notice of him he could hear her heart skip a bit. She swallowed and then forced a smile on her face.