Chapter 53

Angelica lay in bed turning back and forth. She couldn't believe what just happened. Perhaps she never believed he would agree to marry her which was why she was so shocked. 

Oh, Lord! He agreed to marry her! 

Panic set it. Why? What did that mean? What was the benefit for him? But also what should she do? What would happen now? 

Calming herself with a deep breath, she closed her eyes. It was what she wanted so why was she panicking? She turned in bed and curled under the blanket. If she became Lord Rayven's wife what would she be called? He had no last name, so would she be called Lady Rayven? 

She chuckled. It sounded absurd yet she liked it. Having the name Rayven, she would finally be able to leave and go out without any fear of people hurting her or harassing her. Who would dare? As his maid, she wouldn't have that freedom. Still, for some odd reason, thinking of becoming his wife made her chest heavy with guilt.