Chapter 55

Rayven rushed back to his room with clenched fists. What was wrong with him? He wanted to bury himself for his stupidity. He had told himself to keep distance between them, knowing how her nearness affected him. Somewhere far away he could feel his heart acting in a way it shouldn't. And his body acted like that of a man and even worse. Of that of a hungry demon. 

He could still feel the warmth of her body in his arms, her sweet scent, and those bewitching blue eyes… he cursed. He brought this upon himself. He had only said those things to make her stay. To not ruin his plans. 

But why was she crying?! 

How could she care about someone like him? She shouldn't. As much as that brought some strange warmth into his chest, she shouldn't. 

Damn the woman. She must be a witch to have him this spellbound. 

Rayven spent the rest of his night in agony. Even though he changed his clothes and washed himself he could still smell her scent.