Chapter 59 part 1

Both of them suspected Lucrezia. The question was why? Why would she care to stop Skender from helping Angelica? Rayven had actually wondered how it came that Skender managed to stay away from her. He wasn't the type to let things go, especially if he felt guilty about it. He wouldn't just leave Angelica. But what was Lucrezia planning? Why would she stop him by compelling him instead of just threatening him like she usually does? 

Rayven didn't like the fact that Lucrezia was showing interest in Angelica. It was enough that she was playing mind games with him without others being involved. He didn't need more complications.

Sitting in the garden where Angelica had done some work, he looked up at the sky. It was gradually getting brighter and the sun was rising. Now, two days were left until the marriage. 

Two days.