Chapter 61

William woke up feeling cold. Without opening his eyes he tried to reach for his blanket but felt like he was sleeping on something hard. He opened his eyes and found himself in a dark place and sleeping on a hard surface. When he touched it, it seemed like he was sleeping on what seemed like a large rock. 

Fear crawled under his skin as he slowly sat up and looked around. Did the monsters in his dreams already come for him? 

Suddenly fire was lit around him, to light up the room he was in, which looked rather like a cave. Yes, the monsters must have found him. Did he misinterpret his dream because it seemed like they would find him later than sooner? 

Jumping down from the rock he looked for an exit, despite knowing that he couldn't outrun the monsters he had seen in his nightmares. They were dangerous and possessed abilities beyond his imagination. 

"I am sorry to disturb your sleep." A female voice purred.