Chapter 107

Angelica stepped under the warm water wanting to take a shower one last time before they went back home. Showers were easier than baths after all. This would be one thing she would miss after leaving this world. 

While showering she was careful with the slippery floor. Rayven's blood had helped her feel less tired, but she was still dizzy and suffering from a headache that refused to go away. She was surprised to know that she needed to drink more. She thought one glass was a "good amount" but it wasn't. 

Drinking blood was not like she had imagined. She thought she would magically like it, like she did with the bite but Rayven told her those were different things. Pleasure could relieve pain and fear could increase it. When there was trust between two people, the bite felt less painful. It did not mean that it was less pain. But the taste of blood remained the same.