Chapter 118

Rayven went back to his chamber where he knew Angelica waited. What had he been thinking? They were mated now for God's sake, but unfortunately, the mating didn't take away his selfishness. 

It was enough now. He had to stop. Not only would he make Angelica tired, but he was getting tired too. He was going to let himself enjoy this blessing even in his selfishness. Even if he didn't deserve it right now. 

Walking into the room, he found Angelica seated next to the fire with a book in her hand. As soon as he walked in she looked his way, her eyes softening with relief when she found no scars on his face. He went to sit beside her on the mattress that she lay there. 

"I am sorry," He said, gazing into her eyes. 

She nodded. "It is alright," she smiled. Then she watched him as if waiting for him to say something more. Explain himself or tell her what was going on.