Oh my King!

Roxana followed the silver-eyed Lord thinking that he somehow reminded her of herself. She could see the mischief in his eyes and he knew more than he let on. He was dangerous and she would have to be careful around him. She couldn't tell what his intentions were and why he was giving her special treatment. Maybe he saw her as a clown and thought of using her as his errand boy to spy on the king. Either way, he wanted something from her and she would find out in time. 

Now she would meet the hooded king. She couldn't deny that she was curious to see him but she was also nervous. If he recognized her then she had already prepared her usual lie.

When they arrived outside a large wooden door, Lord Quintus gave the guards a nod. One guard went inside and when he came out he gave a sign.

"Alright," Lord Quintus turned to them. He motioned for the trainees of his Majesty's quarters to enter first.