I, Me and Myself

Skender usually blocked people's thoughts unless something made him listen on purpose. But with Roxana, he didn't know what to do. He would be a fool not to listen but he also didn't want her voice in his head. Especially when she uttered his name. 

No one called him Alexander. It was either Skender or his royal title. People only said King Alexander when they spoke about him, but even that was rare. To hear his other name in her mind and with her foregoing accent made it sound like something sweetly forbidden. Something that could only be done in secret. 

Yes. It was done in secret. He was reading her mind, invading her privacy. Should he feel bad? She came here to steal from him after all. He was only being cautious. Besides, even when he tried not to be in her head she got into his. Her voice called to him and in all of that, he saw something from her past.